Zam Energy is investing in building a platform for continuous hybrid offset renewable power supply (often 20-100+ MW) to hyperscalers building AI datacenters centers. This new market area (training-focused) is in a significant growth sector that warrants resources.
Massive data centers dedicated to training only are in growth mode, but they must contend with growth constraints due to the lack of grid power available. As more training-only data centers are built, our team is seeking hyperscalers to explore hybrid grid-connected solutions coupled with off-grid solar microgrid solutions.
When built, an off-grid solar/fuel cell microgrid of 100MW—500MW would be a first. We believe data center designers will agree that it is possible to use technology that exists today with the added benefit of being able to scale quickly.
Redundant power using colocated Fuel cell (gas-powered) technology, with solar+storage, could serve a load from 90%- 98%(excluding unplanned downtime). We accomplish this when we combine solar+storage+natural gas generators, and/or fuel cells with varying degrees of renewables. Scenario 1 (45% renewable) becomes $87.1/MWh (exactly the same cost of off-grid gas turbines), Scenario 2 (83% renewable) becomes $92.2/MWh, and Scenario 3 (90% -98% renewable) becomes $98/MWh.
500 MW of datacenter capacity.
13,000 acres dedicated to PV solar, spread across six solar farms
85 acres of lithium-ion batteries with 8,000 MWh of storage capacity
22 acres to host 500 MW of gas backup capacity
0.5 GW of computing infrastructure for AI training
Intersecting interstate natural gas pipeline located
Clear access via nearby roads, highways
A typical site envisioned will consist of 32 parcels of 20,000 acres total, spread across a group of 21 distinct property owners consisting of private businesses, holding companies, and ranchland.