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  • Erin Sharp

Energy as a Service is quickly gaining pace since COVID-19 to finance energy projects.

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

Schneider Energy recently conducted a study on how COVID-19 affected energy programs.

It is a pivotal moment for energy and sustainability as we enter the “Decade of Action”—so declared by the UN Secretary General.

Per the Schneider Electric study, ”An overwhelming 87% of respondents to our survey agreed that the changes in energy markets have led energy management to rise in the ranks as a core business operation. Today’s increasingly volatile global energy landscape means strategic energy sourcing is more important than ever. The difference between the right energy purchase and the wrong one could translate into millions of dollars.”

Creative capital programs such as Energy as a Service, offered by Zam Energy, can take advantage of adding equipment that downsizes capital expenses- using 3rd party capital.

Availability of capital has many flavors now for Horticultural facilities responding to Food Security, or increase in demand that cannabis producers have seen.

Energy as a Service and Energy Performance Contracts grew during this period, and our clients appreciate how we have specifically designed EaaS programs for their needs, by not only offering to retrofit, but to also create Equipment as a Service, as new facilities are brought on, providing equipment as a subscription.

Another key finding that Schneider Electric found was: "Specifically, respondents with higher confidence in meeting their goals are more likely to use innovative mechanisms, such as energy-as-a-service and energy/green bonds, to fund energy and sustainability projects. Respondents that are investing in the use of energy/green bonds are also increasing their goals more than any other participants."

Zam Energy is here to help your team with innovative capital mechanisms to speed your competitive advantage. Whether this is through renewable energy on-site (solar) or upgrading to LEDs or more efficient HVAC, or by adding Combined Heat and Power plants to reduce your cost for electric, we have the team to design the system, and the finance to get it done.

For an in-depth look at the study go to:

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